
15 Minutes Easy Heart-Opening Meditation

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Simon Sureshwara · Heart Opening Meditation – Ubud Bali – Rainy Morning – Simon Sureshwara


In this meditation, we will open up our hearts to actively feel love streaming through it. We will be using visualizations and positive affirmations in this 15-minute easy heart-opening meditation.

This meditation is for everybody.

No special skills are necessary.

The heart-opening meditation

Find a comfortable sitting position, whether you are sitting on a pillow or a chair. Make sure that you are not leaning against the chair or the wall. You also may lay down on our back.

Give length to the spine, straighten the neck, and relax the body and start it!

The breath

Abdominal breathing is something we are doing when we are deeply relaxed. When we are stressed, we are breathing with the chest. Because we are experiencing stress almost all the time in modern life, we are breathing permanently with the chest. Breathing with the abdomen, what we do when we are relaxed, is sending a subconscious signal to the body and nervous system, that we are relaxed. That’s why it is so important to breathe deeply but natural, without forcing the breath.


Love and Compassion

Our thoughts are shaping our reality.

They are influencing our subconsciousness. What is on our mind will become our actions, our reactions, our personality. We have to take care of them and guide them in the right direction.

Buddha is talking about our mind-garden. Whatever you want to have in your garden, you need to put it there by action. If you try to grow Mangos, you can not plant tomatoes. If you wish to have peace and love in your life – think lovingly and peacefully. Bring these thoughts and emotions actively in your life.

I love it to actively imagine my friends, family, pets, all the people on this planet, the planet, the dance of life and nature, and this whole universe and send it my positive thoughts, visualizations, and energy. You can try it here too. It’s just a 15-minute EASY heart-opening meditation. 

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