
Free 10 Days Meditation for Beginners Challenge

Hello friends and tribe! How are you today?
Do you want to start with meditation? Maybe at home?
Here is my newand free meditation for beginners challenge!
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The FREE 10 Days Meditation for Beginners Challenge – Learn meditation at home
Even if you already know how to meditate you may want to catch all the details of a deep practice.

What you will learn

  • How to sit
  • How to breath
  • Working with the mind
  • What is meditation
  • What is the mind
  • What is helping you
  • About the obstacles and struggles on everyone’s journey
  • 5 Tips, which are making it very easy for you

The first steps

Starting your meditation journey unguided can sometimes be a very big step. I know it by myself because as I finally decided to meditate I did not have a proper guide. I hardly made it to 5 minutes sitting with eyes closed. My mind was going crazy! It invented a lot of weird things for me from sitting on the floor with eyes closed.
And then I visited an ashram. It is a spiritual Yoga community. One of the biggest in the world. And I finally got my first REAL instructions and my first guided meditation for beginners. And in a couple of days, I could sit together with hundreds of other people for 30 minutes.
And even while I was not sitting for a long time, I could experience benefits from it. And these benefits became bigger and bigger the more I practiced.


Traditional, classical, silent meditation

We will start with the guided meditations. At the end of the challenge, you will be able to choose your classical meditation technique and sit in silence with it without any further guidance.

How to start meditation for beginners

In the beginning, our mind is full of turmoil from our every-day life. Stress, too much information, no time to rest, pressure, and competition are keeping our mind always full on. Even when we want to relax we are using high-dopamine-activities. Scrolling through our social media feed or watching Netflix. Our mind is only resting when we sleep. It is absolutely NOT used to calm down and relax and do nothing. Oh, wait! Focusing is highly energy consuming work. It is a real effort.

The Mind Game

By this, we are conditioning our minds all life long. Be busy with distracting activities that are promising high dopamine output and only little energy input! That’s what our brain likes! As soon as we sit down and close our eyes trying to focus our mind will invent all possible distractions to stop focusing. It wants to go back into the high-dopamine-mode. You know these classical thoughts (coming up after a couple of minutes): “Oh, you are sitting long enough! There is something important to do right now! Open the eyes and get up!” – Right? Check the oven, is it really out? Maybe grab some water. Check the time. Eyes open, meditation over. Because of these habits and patterns we are using guided meditations. They help us in the beginning to recondition the mind. The mind has something to do, and these anchors are helping us to calm until we are ready for silent meditation.

There are hundreds of meditation techniques

Which one is yours? I will teach you basic meditation techniques. These are used for many years, coming from ancient traditions. Jappa, for example, is a widely spread meditation technique in the yogic and buddhist tradition. It is the persistent repetition of a mantra, and people often use a mala to keep the concentration up.

The book of secrets commented by Osho includes 112 different meditation techniques

You will learn silent, sitting meditation. But what for a technique you will be using is completely up to you. I show you the important ones, and you pick the one which you are comfortable with. And don’t worry, there is one for everybody.

The FREE 10 Days Meditation for Beginners Challenge – Learn meditation at home

The important thing is – START meditation now! It changes your life!

Here is an amazing article from Harvard. They studied the brain while people are attending a meditation course! The results are amazing. Your brain will change physically. And…for sure…you reduce stress, anxiety, bad mood, anger, and more negative emotions.
Here is the super interesting article from Harvard: Harvard neuroscientist: Meditation not only reduces stress, here’s how it changes your brain

1 Heart opening meditation that let you feel compassion

I recorded one of my most favorite guided heart-opening meditations. We use visualizations to feel love and to send it out through our imagination to others. Our subconsciousness can not make a difference, between what is real and whatnot. Because we are imagining that we are full of love we will be developing these loving feelings on the inside. You don’t believe it? Then try this meditation for 2 weeks, and see what happens!

Take The FREE 10 Days Meditation for Beginners Challenge – Learn meditation at home

How do I know everybody can learn meditation?

In the Ashram of Yoga Vidya in Horn Bad Meinberg, Germany, where I lived are coming 90.000 people every year. All of them are doing seminars, training, holidays, volunteer work, or they live there. In the morning and in the evening there is Satsang. A daily gathering of the people in the Ashram. You start with 30 minutes meditation, followed by singing together, then lecture, and then an Arati (Light-) ceremony. Everybody of these yearly 90.000 peopprovenle learned how to sit for at least 30 minutes in silent meditation. And they are from every age (very, very young to very, very old) and from every background and social status.
If you want to check out how it is (and that is actually very much like a Satsang of the tradition of Swami Sivananda in India).

No Panic!

For the mediation I teach you, you don’t need to be spiritual or you do not need to have any special believe. You will not subscribe to a brainwashing anything thing. It is basic meditation, I teach it to you, because I know the many benefits of it, and I love when people are discovering meditation the easy way.

And by the way: No fear, in the beginning you will not sit 30 minutes! We start slowly to give the mind time to adapt.

What are the benefits?

  • Reduces Stress
  • Controls Anxiety. Less stress translates to less anxiety
  • Promotes Emotional Health
  • Enhances Self-Awareness
  • Lengthens Attention Span
  • May Reduce Age-Related Memory Loss
  • Can Generate Kindness
  • May Help Fight Addictions
  • Raised concentration
  • Raised creativity
  • Higher patience and serenity
  • Better emotional control
  • Experience of peace and well-being from the inside

And these are only a few scientifically proven benefits. There are many, many more.

Take The FREE 10 Days Meditation for Beginners Challenge – Learn meditation at home

Please join me on this journey. Join the meditation for beginners challenge. Go to the website, register with your email. Confirm the subscription and on the 8th of August, you will receive more information on how to take part in the challenge!

5 Things you will need to learn meditation at home:

  1. A few pillows to take a comfortable seat
  2. If it is not comfortable for you to sit on the floor, you will need a chair
  3. A blanket or carpet if you are sitting on the floor
  4. An open mind
  5. 30 minutes of time, all for yourself. No disturbance, no TV, smartphone, social media or anything else distracting

It is really for everybody.

Every age.

Every gender.

Every cultural background.

Everyone is invited!

Join the tribe!

Take The FREE 10 Days Meditation for Beginners Challenge – Learn meditation at home


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